Monday, January 6, 2020

Marital Rape Of Indi Current Legal System Essay - 2004 Words

Marital Rape In India: Current Legal System ï  ¶ Introduction â€Å"Marriage is the intimate union and equal partnership of a man and a woman. It comes to us from the hand of God, who created male and female in his image, so that they might become one body and might be fertile and multiply. The free consent of the spouses makes a marriage. From this consent and from the sexual consummation of marriage a special bond arises between husband and wife. This bond is lifelong and exclusive. The marriage bond has been established by God and so it cannot be dissolved†. Marriages in India are filled with ritual and celebration that continue for several days. During the wedding, the bride and groom are told about their duties and responsibilities in married life by the priest. Husband takes up 7 vows in which he promises to look after the wife, and that he will never express dissatisfaction about any shortcomings in his wife and also that he will be affectionate and treat her like a friend. â€Å"Raptus†, is the generic term of rape which implies violent theft, applied to both property and person. It is synonymous with a woman’s abduction or sexual molestation, merely the theft of a woman against the consent of her guardian or those with legal power over her. The harm, ironically, was treated as a wrong against her father or husband, women being wholly owned subsidiaries. Marital Rape is an unwanted intercourse by a man with his wife which is done with force, or physical violence, or when sheShow MoreRelatedVictimization due to an Abus ive Relationship2876 Words   |  12 Pagessociety also has a tendency victim blame. Victim blaming is both a philosophical and a theological belief system based upon the Just World Outlook which follows that bad things only happen to bad people. Individuals like to feel that they have some sense of control over their destiny. Therefore they develop the concept that bad things happen to bad people. (Karmen, 2007) Additionally the U.S. legal system’s basic doctrine is based upon personal accountability which enables victim blaming. (KarmenRead MoreMedicare Policy Analysis447966 Words   |  1792 PagesC—PUBLIC HEALTH AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT TITLE I—COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS TITLE II—WORKFORCE Subtitle A—Primary Care Workforce Subtitle B—Nursing Workforce Subtitle C—Public Health Workforce Subtitle D—Adapting Workforce to Evolving Health System Needs TITLE III—PREVENTION AND WELLNESS TITLE IV—QUALITY AND SURVEILLANCE TITLE V—OTHER PROVISIONS Subtitle A—Drug Discount for Rural and Other Hospitals; 340B Program Integrity Subtitle B—Programs Subtitle C—Food and Drug Administration Subtitle

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