Saturday, May 16, 2020

Breastfeeding For Public Places Breastfeeding - 2174 Words

Breastfeeding in Public. For years women have breastfeed their children, they have allowed for women of the past to do it where ever and whenever they please. However, along with the hypersexualization of the female physique, has come a decline in the acceptability of breastfeeding in public places. â€Å"This disapproval of, or embarrassment with, breastfeeding in public is linked to the dichotomous role that the breast plays in Western society, and it is the convergence of the sexual or â€Å"aesthetic† role, and the functional role of the breast which Angier (23) Contends â€Å"disturbs and irritates† us† (Birth:Paediatric Nursing, p. 82) As a society we have over sexualized the female breast so much that now when a woman is seen feeding a child, it is no longer about etiquette and appropriateness but, about how unattractive the act is. There are several topics that could be covered over breast feeding and how great it is for the child as well as the parent. However these are the topics that will be covered in this paper on why it has become a battle for women to have the right to breastfeed in public. Sexualization of women through media, the benefits of breastfeeding, judgment of nursing mothers and how it effects the mother’s view on breastfeeding and finally the education of modern young adults on breastfeeding and how that can affect the decisions they make in the future. The sexualization of the female figure has been happening for years; still to this day sexual figuresShow MoreRelatedEssay on Breastfeed No Matter Where You Are1254 Words   |  6 PagesBreastfeeding is such a natural process. It is one of the best gifts a mother can give her child. Breastfeeding is such a great gift that is just keeps on giving all throughout a child’s life. Breast milk is a good source of protein and high in calories. The breast milk boosts the immune system, allows the child to grow big and strong, and even makes them smarter. 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